Brockton Writers Series
I will be appearing at the venerable Brockton Writers Series on Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30 p.m. to talk about a subject dear to my heart: writing and mental health. How do those of us diagnosed with mental illness (or who self-identify this way) sustain a writing practice despite multiple social and personal barriers? What insights and tips can we share, in the spirit of peer support and mutual aid?
After my talk (which includes a Q&A), we’ll be treated to readings by four incredible writers: Oubah Osman, Jennifer Hosein, Kimia Eslah, and Farzana Doctor.
Special note from Brockton Writers Series: As we adapt with current social distancing regulations, we’re happy to announce our event will be hosted in-person at the Glad Day Bookshop, located at 499 Church St., Toronto. We will also live stream the event on the Brockton Writers Series YouTube channel! The event starts at 6:30PM.
The reading is PWYC (suggested $3-$5) and features a Q&A with the writers afterward. Books are available for sale.
Update: Check out the Brockton Writers Series blog for key points and resources from my talk. You can also watch the recorded livestream here.