Literary Panel at JLF Toronto

The panel discussion on “Hyphenations: The Home and the World", at the internationally renowned Jaipur Literary Festival, is about some of the topics closest to my heart: migration, displacement, alienation, and belonging. Don’t miss this free virtual event, streaming on Sunday, November 20 from 10 to 10:40 a.m. @JLF International on Facebook or JLF International on YouTube. I will be in conversation with literary superstars Anar Ali, Diksha Basu, Shauna Singh Baldwin, and Siddhesh Inamdar. Find out more information at

Identities morph and change with borders and geographies. How do diasporic writers address displacement-driven themes of rootlessness, marginalization, fragmentation, alienation, nostalgia, assimilation, adaptation, multiculturalism, and more in their work? A fascinating session on the locational and cultural identities of diasporic writers and the ways in which this blends into their storytelling and quest for belonging.


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Two Events at Sudbury’s Wordstock